Genealogy Resources

Finley Room

We invite you to visit our Local History and Genealogy Department. The Finley Room houses a collection including paper, microfilm and digital archives as well as objects and artifacts relevant to the history of Guernsey County.

Downtown Library

Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:30pm; Saturday 10am-2pm

Phone: 740-432-5946

The department is staffed by library personnel at all times. Two internet terminals are dedicated to records searches; wifi is available. We have 3 microfilm and microfiche reader/printers and a photocopier. The cost for printed copies is 10 cents per sheet.

The Library welcomes your genealogy information requests. Feel free to submit your inquiry via this form or via postal mail using the downloadable PDF form.

Click here for PDF

Guernsey County District Public Library
800 Steubenville Avenue
Cambridge, Ohio 43725




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REQUEST-FORM12.pdf 107.86 KB

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